Friday, February 18, 2005

Six ways to Forgiveness

I read an article today about forgiveness - six reasons to forgive, and not one of them is about "feeling like it" or "wanting to". Truly, God understands the human heart, and our capacity for resentment - we don't want to forgive, and need many reminders and outright commands to do so.

Action changes thought. As we act: forgiving, loving, lazy, helpful, selfish, thankful, etc so we will become. Habits are.. habit forming. I suppose I know what I want to be, but I have to start by actually doing it. Knowledge leads to action leads to habit. Feelings come last, trailing along in the wake of habits. If I wait until I "feel like" forgiving - I'll never do it. Yet when I force myself to forgive, resentfully, unwillingly, and when I get past the anger and let go of resentment - amazing! I find the peace, health and joy that God wanted to bless me with all along!

Funny, how when we live according to God's will, life really does go better - and yet I have to try it my own way over and over, before acknowledging who knows best. Sigh. I never thought I was such a stupid person.

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