Thursday, August 04, 2005

Giving opportunity...

I have recently realized that I have been in slavery to money for quite a long time and didn't even know it! I had always given lip service to the idea that we are under Grace, not law, and that giving should be generous and not limited to one-tenth of our income, etc, etc. In practice I have always given 10% and not more - so who is under the law?

Solace recently sent out an email about our (bad) financial situation. My first thought was that I already give my 10% so I shouldn't be expected to give more. My second thought was - why not? If Solace were to fail, would I be satisfied that I had done my best? If Solace is something I really believe in, why shouldn't I give more? If Solace needs another 40% on top of current giving, why shouldn't I be part of that?

Then I realized that this is really an opportunity for me. I'm at a stage of my life when I have few fixed commitments, no dependents, we are both working full-time, so any extra giving will come out of our disposable income and not our rent or mortgage payments. There will be no better time to support a church than now, and no better church to support! If the need is there, why shouldn't I be one of those who meets it?

It was only then that I realized that this email was not a request, but an opportunity for me to break the chains of my habits of thought and exercise my freedom! I know the truth now, and I am free!