Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Loving God: our first duty

Loving God is our first duty - why do I feel so blah about that? I can remember a time, not so long ago, when I couldn't shut up about God, and offended people by talking about Him all the time - when did I lose that fire? After all, God has made the world with plenty of opportunities to love Him! There is so much in this world to praise Him for - hands, flowers, mountains, waterfalls, stars, butterflies, the miracle of the immune system, dance, chocolate, etc.

I think I have let church politics and church disappointments flavour my faith journey. I need to get back to the cross, not just as a symbol of the faith, or the church, or religion, but of Jesus' love for me and willingness to sacrifice himself for my sake. When did I get so used to that idea that I forgot how special it made me feel when I first heard about it?

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