Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Power of Positivity

On Sunday we looked at the passage where Jesus invites people to follow him - realistically, with no pretenses that it will be a bed of roses, telling them plainly that there will be a cost and that they will be rejected sometimes.

Our group was given the "yellow hat" task of analyzing this passage looking for positive aspects, alert to problems solved by this teaching, looking for benefits and truths good for application in our world. I was amazed how much was in there, when we stopped to look! In our world, we are so often encouraged to "analyze" to "pull apart" or to "critique" what we read. We are so rarely encouraged to look for the good in it!

In the end, we came up with a whole page of useful, positive, encouraging things to learn from this passage, which at first glance appeared difficult and forbidding. It is certainly true that the "black hat" people looking for negative aspects of the passage also filled a page, which just shows that you find what you look for! I think in future I want to stop "critiquing" and search God's Word looking for the positive teaching points!

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