Friday, January 19, 2007

Psalm 19 paraphrase - by beachpsalms from LJ

Paraphrase of Psalm 19 by beachpsalms of LiveJournal (with permission)

The universe is telling the glory of God;
And the galaxies stand in clusters.
Day to day pours forth sunlight,
And night to night stand the stars in the sky.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
Space is a silent void;
Yet the light travels to us,
Travels to the end of the solar system.
Our small star, our Sun is at home on the western spiral arm
And our orbit is wed to it,
We hurtle, spinning together, joyous, like a carnival ride.
We spin, and the sun lights and warms this planet,
From endless day to endless night at the poles
And all the land and ocean in between.
The beauty of the galaxy revives our souls,our physics equations are complex and wise... and frequently wrong.
And yet the galaxies spin, the stars burn, the planets orbit
Dark matter lurks, light bends,
Quarks burn and Schrödinger’s cat is in the box
All unconcerned with our math and our measuring.

And still… matter likes matter
We are pulled together and towards God
Like moons orbit a planet
Like planets orbit the sun
This pull towards each other
Is unexplained, and undeniable
God’s creation is the universe: Vast, infinite
We are tiny – save us from believing we are the centre
We are loved – save us from feeling abandoned.
Keep us from insolence and pride
That we shall be humble and grateful.

And let our poetry and telescopes, math and music
Be acceptable to your heart
O Creator, the centre of our orbit.

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