Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How do I spend my time?

Thoughts with thanks to Kate Megill of CHFWeb.

There are so many days when I look back over my time I wonder "where on earth has this day gone?"
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by computer time.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by laundry.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by housework.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by spending time with my husband because sometimes he just needs to talk.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by reading.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by prayer, although I wish I had much more time to spend here.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up by ministry to others, either on the phone or an impromptu (or planned) visit with a friend in need.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up with my paid employment.
- Sometimes my time is eaten up with shopping, banking and other errands.

So, when I look back at the list above I see that my time is eaten up by the priorities God has for me! Which means the term "eaten up by" needs to be changed to "poured out for His Glory by". Now THAT puts a whole different perspective on things! When I view my time as being eaten up, it is because I am holding onto it as if it belonged to ME. But when I view my time as poured out for His Glory, it is because I'm seeing my life as belonging to God - and recognizing that if He wants to spend my time refolding the laundry that got folded and then knocked over, then that is up to HIM. My job is to walk in joy and thankfulness that I can have my life poured out as a drink offering to please Him in all I do. Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to love and serve and bless you in all I do. Now, if only I can figure out how to do that all the time, I'd be OK!

Thanks for this Kate - this is a great way of re-framing how we spend our time! I know for myself that I tend to be very "task focused" and to see time spent chatting with friends or just sitting with my husband or in contemplative prayer as time "wasted", when really I should be valuing time spent on people rather than tasks!

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