Friday, June 17, 2005

Writing from the heart

I have started creative writing again - it is like a safety valve for the thoughts which fill my head and heart. I just have too much "stuff" in there, and I wanted to get some of it out where I can look at it in black and white. So I wrote a play in which all the characters have something to say which comes from my heart, and they can argue and yell and say all the things which I am too polite and inhibited to say. They can cry and scream and be rude to one another, and sometimes they can hold one another and make it all better.

Strangely, I tried to write a happy ending, and it just didn't work. I have tried several different endings and none of them work. I am afraid that the only possible ending is a sad one, in which people go their separate ways because they are unable to find reconciliation. I don't know if this is just a failure of imagination on my part, but when I wrote the happy endings (two versions so far) Dean just said it was obviously fantasy and totally implausible. I'm sorry that a happy ending can't be found. Maybe it's a bit like the speculation about the universe - we live not in the best of worlds or the worst of worlds, but the only possible world.

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