Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Pregancy preparation

I should have had my hair colours done before I got pregnant - I don't know if I can do it now. Is hair dye bad for baby? I've been to the optometrist, and made an appointment with the doctor. I asked Jill at work for a recommendation for an obstetrician and made an appointment there. When I called the Mercy, they offered a spot in their "parents education" program - wow! Our first appointment as "parents"!

I tried to get an extension on my ethics journal, but they said no. Fortunately, I feel really well at the moment, and the slight nausea is already abating so I hope I can just push on through the study, though I suppose it won't be my best work.

It is very lucky I am feeling so well, since Kim is sick and Rachel, so I am holding the fort tonight. The price we pay for not having an official "on-call" roster is that if anyone is sick, we are called at the last minute to cover. I don't really mind - gives me a chance to catch up on emails and this blog!

Seems strange to be sorry about feeling well, but I sort of miss the nausea. The whole thing seems a bit unreal, and I feel so normal that I'm almost wondering if it was a mistake, and it is really someone else who is pregnant - after all, there are no patient details on that slip of paper! My urge to eat healthy has faded, though I am doing so anyway, and avoiding the things I shouldn't have - don't know if I can face another eight months without Camembert!

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