Friday, June 10, 2005

Not feeling well

Friday morning - Rachel is here, but planning to leave early. I know I should offer to cover but I really don't feel up to it. I have some low-level abdominal pain, nothing much, but I don't feel generally well. Anyway, why should I justify not offering - they should be glad I worked Wednesday! My resident has gone for the afternoon, and the nursery is crazy-busy, so I'll be lucky if I can get it all sorted out by 1700, so I won't be getting my afternoon off anyway.

My cover resident is from the obstetrics team - I wonder if I should ask her about this abdominal pain? It's getting a bit worse and a bit left-sided. I can't help thinking about ectopics, but I think that's just being over-dramatic, besides, she doesn't even know I'm pregnant.

I finally caved in and offered to work tonight. Since it looks like I'm going to be here until late anyway, a few extra hours can hardly matter, and the other only other cover they have found is a resident. I don't want to leave him here alone with two inductions going on in delivery suite. He has done nights alone, but the evenings can be much busier, and unless the consultant agrees to back him up and come in it's not going to be fair to him. Fortunately, Ania is on, and as soon as her mobile is switched on we can tell her - she might even agree to come in!

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