Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I've got a secret...

It is very strange being pregnant and not able to tell anyone. After last time I've learned my lesson, and I'm just telling immediate family and special friends like Mel, Olivia and Barb. And of course all the world who chooses to read my online posts, but that's not the same!

Actually it is nice to be able to go onto CHFWeb and talk about it as much as I like, since I can't talk about it much otherwise. It's weird, I get the urge to go into shops and just tell people at random "Oh, I can't eat that - pregnant you know".

I've also done some rapid calculations and found out that the baby is due on Jan 1st! Happy New Year! But if it comes early, it could still be born on Christmas Day. Special present!

This also means that I would be 36 weeks pregnant for the Great Victorian Bike Ride - probably not the best idea for camping and bike riding.

I will be 12 weeks pregnant and probably vomiting the entire time we are in Germany.

I will never be a bikini model or stick insect and wear fashionable clothes again. I will never fit into the kind of dresses I always told myself that with diet and exercise I might one day wear. It is weird, I never wanted to dress like that when I was young enough to, but now that I know I never will it is still like grieving something I have lost, even though I know intellectually I never would have...

Maybe I'm too selfish to be a parent - all I can think about is how this is going to change my life forever.

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