Monday, May 28, 2007


We are on holidays in London, so I get to vomit in a new environment. The plane trip was awful - I think the jet lag makes the nausea much worse, but it could just be the motion and the tiredness. Unfortunately I had one of my worst episodes right in front of Tereza on the first day we met her for an outing. Luckily she was sympathetic, having been through it twice herself already.

So we are taking it easy, and not doing as much rushing around sightseeing as I had thought. We have walked around London, caught the underground, seen the "Eye" and the Tate Modern Art Gallery, and caught a couple of shows on the West End.

Most evenings we spend with Andrei and Tereza and their boys Antony and Luke. It is lovely to see normal, healthy children for a change!

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