Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Changing perspectives...

When I used to look at parents with their kids, it was always very clear to me that the kids were their own little people - they have their own opinions, ideas, wants, likes and dislikes. I always found it rather strange that parents had such fixed ideas of what they wanted their children to be like. It seemed to me odd to be looking for them to like the same football teams, music, sports, books, etc.

Now I have a child of my own on the way, I find myself thinking "I hope she will like bike riding, then we can all ride as a family" or "I hope she likes being read to, and likes the Narnia books" and "I hope he doesn't expect me to watch him play football every Saturday". Of course I would, but I can't imagine enjoying it. Now it seems to me quite natural for a parent to want a child to like and enjoy the same things the parents like and enjoy. Strange how our point of view is always a view from a particular point!

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