Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Last Word, and the Word After That...

Brian McLaren has terrible taste in titles for his books, but they are interesting nonetheless. I am about half-way through this one, and I admit I'm finding it pretty disturbing at times - BDM seems very keen to tear away everything I thought I knew about Christianity, and I find the process rather frightening. I keep asking myself "could this be true?" and "if it is, what does it all mean?" It is more of this moving into complexity which I'm not sure I need right now.

I mean, I got used to the idea that "heaven" as I've previously thought of it probably doesn't exist, and that we will all live in the "New Heaven and New Earth". The transition wasn't that hard really - trading one hard to imagine eternity for another hard to imagine eternity.

But if hell doesn't exist either? This will change how I think about God, evangelism, faith, Christianity, everything really. The new way will not have some of the problems of the old, but I don't know if I'm really ready for it. I'm not sure I understand the old way yet! Clearly there is a lot of thought and study still to be done on this topic, but I have a feeling it is important work...

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