Sunday, June 25, 2006

God at play

This morning at Solace we talked about rest and play. God made rest and incorporated it into his commands and his plans for us. Jesus took time to rest and even to go to weddings, but we don't hear about him playing. We took some time to wonder what this might be like...

I thought about going dancing, and how much fun that is with the right partner, how you can dance and talk, how moving together in time to good music is both a physical and aesthetic pleasure. I can imagine Jesus doing a fantastic foxtrot! He would of course be perfectly in time with the music, have a great lead with a smooth motion and just right rise and fall. Dancing with him would be both fun and exciting - a challenge to live up to, and he would expect his partner to keep learning and to "listen" to his lead.

He wouldn't be always too serious either, or too critical. He might give tips of things which need to be corrected, but he would be able to chat and laugh - can't dance well without laughing! He would have a sense of floor-craft and be considerate of other dancers, especially beginners. Not having eyes in the back of his head, he still might crash into people sometimes, but he would be the consummate gentleman and apologize even if it wasn't his fault, and check that both ladies were all right.

He could also cut it at latin, and have a dynamic jive action to die for! He would have that sense of fun which makes a jive exciting to watch and exhausting and exhilarating to dance! He would give it his all and not mind the sweat running down his face - he would just flick his head back and laugh. I think he would be good at samba too - smooth with a little bounce in the rhythm to give it that syncopation that good samba needs. He would also be respectful enough to keep his hands to himself, and not ogle the other men on the floor either!

And afterward he would smile and escort me to a chair, get me a glass of water and let me recover and watch him spin another girl around the floor. He would be the kind to share himself around and even do progressive dancing to encourage beginners to take the floor. He would ask a wallflower to dance and give her a chance to show what she can do. He would be kind, considerate, friendly, social, exciting, challenging and I would always look forward to dancing with him again.

Maybe I should aim to be more like Jesus?

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