Thursday, February 02, 2006

Leviticus 4

In Leviticus 4 there is a comment about if someone sin unintentionally, he is still guilty of sin.

This is an interesting statement in a society where "I didn't know" seems to be considered the excuse for everyone from politicians on up. Claiming not to have been there, not to have been aware, not to be responsible all seems to add up to it not being my fault or my responsibility to fix. It is interesting that God says otherwise.

To me, this means that it is my responsibility to be aware of the law under which I live. It is my responsibility to follow both the laws of the country and the commands of God. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

More than this, it is also my responsibility to be aware of what is happening in the world around me, especially the part of it for which I have accepted a duty of care. It is my business to know what is happening to my patients and in my unit and on my ward. It is also my responsibility to know what is happening in my community and in my church, in my society. Ignorance of the facts is no excuse either.

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