Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Deuteronomy 2

This systematic reading of the Bible program is turning out better than I expected. I did not think I would like or learn much from re-reading the "boring" parts of the OT, but it turning out to be true that "all Scripture is God-breathed and useful".

Today's bit of Deuteronomy is about the Israelites wandering in the desert after being afraid to enter the Promised Land. I wonder if other parts of our lives reflect the same pattern? If we do not accept the calling of the Lord to do as He wills, that we wander aimlessly finding unsatisfying ways of filling our time?

I can't help wondering if some church programs might be like this - not necessarily ignoring, but not understanding the call of God to work in some particular area, and filling up rosters and meetings with other programs? Peter C. used to describe this as "leaves" as opposed to fruit.

Now there was a man after God's heart! A leader, compassionate, approachable with an amazing understanding of the human heart and how to bring God's healing and reconciliation to it. He not only did amazing work himself, he established leaders and a whole institute to carry on the work after him. Surely this is what happens when someone devotes himself to the work of God?

I'm glad to say that after some rocky times, I feel that Solace is heading the same way. As we define ourselves and work in God's will, we are growing and learning. So far, we have very few "leaves" and I just hope we can sustain the pace!

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