Monday, May 16, 2005

Home from Perth

We are back from Perth, and I was feeling a little travel-sick, not sure if it is more than usual or not, so I did a pregnancy test - nothing. At the conference Dean and John were busy all day, so I met up with Ilse who is here with the twins! They are so cute - 10 month old boys, crawling and almost walking, but so different! One is large and placid, good eater, good sleeper and a generally happy baby. The other is driven, hyperactive, won't sit still, won't sleep, won't settle - I can't imagine what it will be like when he is walking (in about a week's time, I think). They are such a handful, I can't imagine having twins, but I would like one...

I have decided that after all this last two years of mucking about, and on-again, off-again trying for a baby it is time to get systematic about this. Tereza says that every third day is the best time to try, so I'm going to write it in my diary and keep track. I'm listening to myself, thinking this is pretty ridiculous and terribly Type A, but never mind, as the song says "Do you want a child or not?"

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