Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Update on progress on Clomid (or lack thereof...)

Well, my sensitivity to alcohol, caffeine and other substances seems to be holding true for Clomid as well. Peter started me on the lowest dose, which is only half of the usual recommended starting dose. I told him straight away that I want to have children, but not twins!

So on only 25mg I appear to be ovulating fine. This means that on the mornings I take the tablets I have to crack each one in half, which usually results in a whole lot of white powder all over the kitchen bench. I have started doing it on a plate, because that makes it a whole lot easier to lick up the spilled powder...

But despite two successful ovulatory cycles, we don't appear to be getting any forwarder. Maybe I was unrealistically optimistic, thinking that as soon as we started getting treatment we would start seeing results. I guess life doesn't work that way.

To look on the bright side though, it means that I can eat and drink whatever I like over the Christmas period. It is only those suffering pregnancy who have to be careful and conscientious. Alcohol, seafood, soft cheeses and pate are all allowed for us footloose and fancy-free childless types!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I am jllcmoore from the chfweb boards. I followed you blog and read about the clomid. Just wanted to offer encouragement as we have been dealing with infertility for about 5 years. I have had multiple miscarriages and eventually did ivf which resulted in my daughter. That was a really big decision for us as we had mixed feelings about doing ivf...whole new topic:) Anyways, I will be saying a prayer for you as I know it is difficult and can be especially disappointing when things aren't happening quickly...if you ever want to email just let me know...we are about to go through a frozen transfer and then we will see where to go from there after Christmas....