Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas reflections

I am sorry to have to be so sceptical about Christmas, but it seems to be an ever more meaningless holiday with too much food and too little thought or genuine good-will. The closing of churches on Christmas seems to just be the last straw. This quote from Benjamin Franklin seems to sum it up rather well:
How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep Holidays than Commandments.
Sadly, this is the truth. I was writing some thoughts in church on Sunday and I couldn't help feeling a little bitter and cynical. It seems that no-one really wants presents, and no-one really wants to give them either, but everyone does from a sense of obligation, and accumulates more clutter. Lots of people don't like fruit cake, or ham, or even turkey, but they eat it because it is "the done thing".

When even Christians don't want to make time to go to church on Christmas Day, what hope is there that God is a real priority for anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Jamie from CHFweb...Gina had you linked on her blog's sidebar. Have you read C.S. Lewis' "What Christmas Means to Me?" I think it might be an interesting read for you. Google Lewis and the title, and you'll see that he has his theories on why it is so tiresome and how Christians have been snagged into thinking of Christmas wrongly.