Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas blessings!

This is a little silly, but I really wanted a particular brand of Christmas pudding. I couldn't find any anywhere in town and I went to several different shops. Finally today (Friday and the second-last shopping day before Christmas) I went back to one of the shops where I knew they didn't have any left of the brand I wanted, and decided to get something else.

On an impulse, I asked again if they had any of the brand I wanted left and the guy said he would look. Finally, he said that they didn't have any of the normal ones left, but that he could sell me one of the "catering packs" of my favourite brand! No fancy Christmas packaging, but twice as much pudding for half the price! God looks after our "wants" as well as our "needs" and his blessings overflow, now and always! I am once again amazed and humbled at how God helps us to celebrate and enjoy life, even frivolous things like Christmas puddings! Maybe there is some hope for Christmas after all, if God is willing to help us celebrate it!

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