Friday, June 01, 2012


It was Pentecost last Sunday, and I learned something new to add to what I already know about Pentecost. Of course I was already aware that Pentecost (the 50th day) took place 50 days after Easter Sunday. Also called Whit Sunday it was when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as tongues of flame and enabled them to speak in other languages to all the people gathered there. It is also sometimes called "The Birthday of the Church", apparently.

 So that's what I already knew, probably what most people know. I wonder how many people also know that Pentecost falls on the Jewish Festival of Weeks (Shavuot). This is the celebration commemorating the giving of the Torah, God's Law, in the desert at Mount Sinai. The festival takes place seven weeks after Passover.

 So I see a certain parallel between the Hebrew Bible events and the New Testament events. At Passover the nation of Israel was liberated from Egypt, and seven weeks later they were given the Torah which is God's plan for a new way of life. At Easter Jesus died to liberate us from sin and death - 50 days later at Pentecost we received the Holy Spirit who is to teach and lead us in God's new way of life. Coincidence? I don't think so...


Anonymous said...

Love this, Elizabby!

I'm so happy you're blogging again! Is there any way to subscribe to your blog?

Terri said...

My husband preached on this very idea not too long ago. Great post, Elizabby!

Terri in NY (from CHFWeb)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. VERY interesting.

Jamie/CHF said...

We Messianics knew (and still celebrate)'ll find that each of the Lord's Spring feasts were fulfilled *to the day* in the NT, and I suspect the Fall feasts (those remain unfulfilled) will fall in line as well. Exciting stuff!

Good luck w/your new on-line goals :)

Char said...

Wonderful correlations!