Monday, October 24, 2005

To Whom do we listen?

I have been listening to CS Lewis's "Narnia Chronicles" on audio-book. One of the good things about working in the country is that I get to listen to lots of music and literature as I drive! One part of "Prince Caspian" struck a spark in my mind:
Aslan is talking to Susan about why she couldn't see him. He says "Daughter, you have listened to your fears. Do so no longer."
I began thinking about this - listening to our fears instead of listening to God. I wonder if part of the reason we struggle with doubt is that we listen to the voices around us instead of standing on God's Word. Most of us can quote lots of reassuring verses and promises about how God is in control, how God works all things together for our good, how God will make all things right in His time. Yes, we know the words all right - but do we really believe them? As soon as we are alone or with friends, the doubts come: am I really doing the right thing? Should I just take things into my own hands? Should I prepare for the worst? I don't want to stretch out in faith because I'm frightened of what might happen. It is all about fear, listening to the voice of the fears over the voice of God.

The worst part is that God won't force us, or make us keep our word to Him. If we choose to trust ourselves and our bank accounts and our own wisdom and worldly advisors, He will let us go our own way. We are the losers when we fail to trust in Love and instead listen to Fear. Where do we place our trust? To whom do we listen? I know I have listened many times to the voice of Fear; I want to do so no longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Money is the biggest issue for me. To trust God more than I trust in my own bank account. But I truely believe it is one of the greatest (and only) gifts that we can give to God, to trust him. Even in the face of contrary facts and circumstances, to step out in faith. It is worship to him!