Monday, November 21, 2005

Divine assurance...

Just back from holidays in Tahiti (yay!) and one of the things I love about holidays is catching up on my reading. I was reading a book (pure fantasy mental popcorn, nothing deep) and one of the characters said something to another which I found very relevant:
I love you. I don't blame you. I love you and I will never leave you.
Not too profound maybe, but I started thinking; wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone could hear that every day?

Then I started thinking that these words could calm and reassure the insecure, stabilize the unsteady, heal the hurting and wounded and provide a firm and secure base from which to do great deeds of love and personal sacrifice.

Then I thought that all Christians already have this assurance, if only we will read God's Word to us and believe it! We are loved, we are guilt-free, we are valued and never alone! What fantastic assurance we have, and after we die it only gets better! This is the stuff I want to tell everyone - these ideas could change the world, if only people would believe them. I suppose the sticking point is that faith which has to be given before we can truly know God. So, more prayer for faith to be given is in order. For those who already know this truth, it is good to be reminded again:
God loves you. In His eyes you are perfectly guilt-free and lovely. He loves you just as you are and will never leave you in this life or after.
How's that for Divine assurance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabby!
Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog! You have interesting insights to life! Thanks for sharing them!!
~Michelle L.(from WWAW)